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Technická univerzita v Košiciach. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. QuoVadis Research @ FEI rocník 2, císlo 1. Marec 2019. ISSN 2585-9587 

ISSN 2585-9587  12. máj 2011 V súčasnosti združuje viac ako 1 600 knižničných asociácií a 220.000 záznamov o výtvarných dielach, vrátane výtvarných diel z múzeí SR, aktualizácia údajov strany v PDF, metadata a jednotlivé strany OCR v TXT (aut 2. říjen 2013 sources and data. The support of the grant VEGA 1/0173/13 is kindly announced.

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24% with GEM-NAB and FOLFIRINOX). Among grade 3–4 toxicities, neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, and nausea were lower with GEM-NAB, while neurotoxicity and anemia were lower with FOLFIRINOX. In conclusion, despite a numerically longer median OS with FOLFIRINOX … Supporting InformationManager 5.1 (Review Manager (RevMan) version 5.1; Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008) and Comprehensive Meta Analysis software (version 2.2.064; July 27, 2011). Trials in eastern and western countries yielded similar GCs and outcomes. Compared with the phase III trials, the phase II trials showed better RRs (OR, 1.46 versus … 1) CIS was a predictor of disease recurrence in patients who underwent RC: Gupta et al.

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have Petrelli F, Coinu A, Lonati V, Cabiddu M, Ghilardi M, Borgonovo K, et al. Neoadjuvant dose-dense chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer: a meta-analysis of published studies. Anticancer Drugs 2016;27:702–708. 21.

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However, they do not increase OS or noncancer-related mortality. Both treatment options can be offered to patients with stage I seminoma, taking into consideration the side effects and high cure rate of testicular cancer at relaps … 1. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2015 Oct;13(5):428-34. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2015.04.005.

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